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Year 7 Group Notices

Our theme for the academic year is 'Time to Shine'

New beginnings - time to make a new start

Demonstration of the FCJ Values

Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year and Form Tutors

Head of Year Mrs Ford

Assistant Head of Year Ms McCarthy

Form Tutors:

7A  Miss Peters

7M  Miss Rowlands

7R  Mrs Louden

7S  Mr Butterworth

7T  Mr Kinsella

7J  Mrs Carradice

Welcome to Year 7

Each girl will receive a letter from a previous Year 7, welcoming them to Bellerive.  They soon make friends!  Here are some photos of the girls with our play equipment.  Their treat day for the boards is Friday!  Soon we will have a new landscaped area adjacent to our playground.

Notice Board

Our year group notice board on the ground floor of the Elmfield building is kept up-to-date with notices and other essential information, including details of clubs, the school’s fortnightly mission and seasonal events. Each form has a notice board in their registration base too.

Year 7 Responsibilities

Each form votes for their Form Captain, Vice Captain, Numeracy Coordinator and Events Coordinator at the start of each term. Each role carries a lot of responsibility; for example, liaising with the Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year each morning to collect messages and relay them to their respective forms, organising the form charity fundraising events and attending the whole school council meetings.

Charity fundraising

The girls are keen to raise lots of money for charity, living out our FCJ Values of Hope and Dignity by choosing to support a range of causes.

The girls have delivered cake sales and raffles, with enthusiastic responses from the rest of Year 7!  Collecting change and donating a £1 for Christmas jumpers on Feast Day raised a considerable sum for CAFOD World Gifts; each form chose which gifts to purchase, ranging from teaching children to write to trees for life.

Feast Day Fun!

The photos show some of our Christmas jumpers!  On Feast Day, we also had fun playing bingo and making Christmas cards.



We are ever conscious of our impact on the planet and need for showing Companionship to those affected by our actions in far-away places; we believe that many small changes will make a huge difference.  Miss Barton and Mrs McCarthy delivered an environmental assembly with the help of two enthusiastic Year 7 girls, helping to raise awareness and understand what we can do to care for the planet.

We also collect crisp packets; these are posted to charities making sleeping bags for the homeless.  We collect ring pulls for charity too.


Weekly Routines

Assembly is on a Monday for Y7

Reading of Books/News clips - topical issues

World Book Day

We had some fantastic characters on World Book Day!  The Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year also joined in the fun, dressing as the Queen of Hearts and Alice in Wonderland.



The girls are rewarded for their effort and Excellence in many different ways, including:

  • Pupil of the Month: each Form Teacher awards a certificate and goodie bad to a girl who has embodied one or more of our FCJ Values.
  • Pupil of the Term
  • Plus marks: each term, there is a prize for the highest and second highest totals in each form; we also select 3 girls each fortnight for achieving the highest in the year, with no minus marks – they get a certificate, prize and a phone call home from Mrs Ford.


There are many different clubs for the girls to get involved in and therefore help them strive for Excellence, including languages, sporting clubs, Geography and FCJ Club.

In Geography Club we play geographical games, make dioramas of biomes, experiment with cave paintings and other aspects of traditional South African culture.  The photo shows our Christmas party, assisted by the A Level Geographers.

FCJ Club is wonderful way to make friends and celebrate our Values – everyone is welcome to join!  We might sing, make crafts, play games or reflect and pray.