Our year theme is ‘Directions’. Each Year 10 pupil will progress as they transition from KS3 to KS4 and start their journey towards GCSE success. Our aim is to support and help them along in the right direction. We aim to recognise those heading in the right direction, who are committing the right enthusiasm and work ethic to their studies through rewards in assemblies.
Year 10 is a very important year for the pupils as they begin their GCSEs and prepare for their examinations. The Year 10 pastoral team will support and encourage pupils during this transition.
Attendance is a focus for Year 10 and they must understand how any absences can affect their GCSE grades. Attendance is very important and rewards will be given to pupils with excellent attendance over the course of the year.
Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year and Form Tutors
Head of Year Ms Farnin
Assistant Head of Year Ms Reid
Form Tutors:
10A Mr Gill
10M Miss Power
10R Mrs Harding
10S Mr Jack
10T Miss Holt
10J Mrs Sweetman
This will be a key focus for Year 10 as in all years. Throughout the year we will have reward lunches and prizes for pupils with 100% attendance and the most improved attendance.
Other Rewards
- Pupil of the month certificates and prizes
- Pupils of the term certificates and prizes
- Directions Draw: each half term pupils who have been heading in the right direction, as nominated by their teachers, will be entered into a prize draw
- Form reward (pupils have asked for this during student voice)
Coming soon...